Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Who are 5 people you would like to meet? Why?


List 5 events that you wish you were present at? Why? 


Hole Info

Monday, October 29, 2012

Minimalistic Movie Responce

Movie Blog Response

Please respond to the following in a blog post of your own

What are some recent movies that you really liked?
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Pitch Perfect 
- 21 Jump Street 
- Kick Ass

What are some of your all time favorite movies?
- The Lion King 
- Finding Nemo 
- Stick It
- Act of Valor 
- 21 Jump Street 
- Toe to Toe 
- The Princess Bride
- Annie 
- Maid in Manhattan
- Blades of Glory  
- She's the Man

List 5 movie poster ideas considering characters, a moment, a fixture, etc...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Typeface Design Plan

Dear Potential Customer, 

I plan for my digital typeface to be constructed completely on photoshop. It will have multiple cutouts and different areas shifted over to create a futuristic feel. My plan of action for my handwritten typeface is going to be something very organic and flowy. The handwritten typeface will have to be made on paper and then scanned into the computer. Im quiet excited to work on the sculptural piece because I feel it has a wide range for creativity. I am thinking that I will work with small household objects all in the same color scheme, maybe even have a gradient or ombre effect? I will position the objects into the letters and numbers I have been assigned and will then photograph them and scan them into photoshop. When the pictures are in photoshop I will cut each one out and have all the lines be neat and clean. 

Ellyn VanderZwaag 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

          I found the movie Helvetica to be long but actually quiet interesting. I never resized that the font Helvetica was everywhere. I feel as if I will be much more aware of it now thanks to the movie. Even on my way home yesterday I saw how many signs were written in helvetica. It was funny how excited or worked up some of the people got about the font, I dont think I will ever be that excited about a font. However I like the font helvetica more after watching the movie because I see how much of a statement it can make when done right. I used to think that helvetica was just a super boring basic font. I found the movie to be interesting It was just a little bit to long.  

Friday, August 24, 2012

What is Graphic Design?

         When I think of graphic design I think of fonts, text, posters, adds, logos, brands, advertising. I think of lot of "graphic design" happens on the computer using photoshop and other programs. In this class I want to be able to learn more about photoshop because right now I only know the basics. One thing that I really like about a lot of graphic design is that mistakes are not as noticeable than when you do a drawing a smudge the pencil everywhere...I feel as if graphic design is more "clean?" You see graphic design all over the world from big advertisements in NYC to little newsprint cartoons. 
